The Charles Eastman Fellowship aims to promote student and faculty diversity at Dartmouth and throughout higher ed by supporting completion of the doctorate by selected Native American scholars. The Eastman Fellows are part of the Provost’s Fellowship Program, a multidisciplinary cohort of approximately ten predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars who share a commitment to increasing diversity in their disciplines. Fellows participate together in mentoring and professional development programming, including guidance in preparing for faculty careers.
General inquiries, please contact the Graduate School at (603) 646-2106 or email PROF.Fellows@dartmouth.edu
Charles Eastman Fellowship
Dartmouth College invites applications for the Charles Eastman Fellowship. The fellowship supports scholars working in any area of Native American and Indigenous Studies. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic achievement, promise in both research and teaching, and their demonstrated commitment to educational diversity. Applications from candidates who are underrepresented in their fields are especially welcome.
The deadline is February 21, 2020. If you have any trouble accessing the application, please let us know.
The application requirements and link for submission can be found here.