E. Ornelas

|Research Associate
Academic Appointments
  • Mellon Faculty Fellow

  • Assistant Professor of Native American and Indigenous Studies


Sherman, Room 104
HB 6152


Native American & Indigenous Studies


  • Ph.D. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • B.A. Portland State University

Selected Publications

  • Branson, Shuli, E Ornelas, and Kai Rajala. "No Blank Slates: Radical Trans Utopias and the Settler Colonial Imaginary." Everything Must Go, edited by Jemma DeCristo, Ren-yo Hwang, Christopher Joseph Lee, and Eric Stanley, special issue of TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024, pp. 66–79.

    Fuller, Laurie, Jenna N. Hanchey, and E Ornelas. "Existence as Resistance: A Report on WisCon 46 (2023)." Utopian Studies, vol. 34, no. 3, 2023, pp. 618–625.

    Ornelas, E. "Pedagogies of Refusal: Opportunities and Obstacles to Anarcha-Feminism in Contemporary US Academia." Burning the Ballot: Feminism Meets Anarchy, edited by Tammy Kovich and Adam Lewis, special issue of Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 36–66.

    Ornelas, E. "Telling 'Our Stories': Black & Indigenous Abolitionists (De)Narrativizing the Carceral State." Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies, edited by Scott Branson, Raven Hudson, and Bry Reed, PM Press, 2023, pp. 20–35.

    Ornelas, E. "Sherman Slipstream: (Dis)Associating Settler Time." Trans-Indigenous Science Fictions: Imagining Beyond Settler Colonialism, special issue of Science Fiction Research Association Review, vol. 51, no. 3, 2021, pp. 94–107.

    Ornelas, E. "(Not) Forgotten: Settler Colonial Memory and Agamben's Camp in Indigenous Minnesota." International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1–16.